Updated June 12th, 2019.
Anything that makes moving and resizing windows easier will save a Mac user gobs of time. The thing that does it best is called Moom.
(The thing that does it second best is to hold the Option key down while clicking the green zoom button. That makes the window bigger without covering up the menu bar.)
Moom helps with you with any Mac window that has a green Zoom button. When you hover over a green Zoom button you’ll see this (I’ve scaled it up 2x so you can see it better):

You can probably guess what happens when you click one of those buttons. Starting with the blue one:
- Zoom full screen (with menu bar showing)
- Move and zoom to fill exactly the left half of the screen
- Move and zoom to fill exactly the right half of the screen
- Move and zoom to fill exactly the top half of the screen
- Move and zoom to fill exactly the bottom half of the screen
Without Moom, moving a window and resizing that window are two separate operation. With Moom, you can move and resize at once. See it in action by clicking this link and then get the free download and play around with it. Yes, you will have to take a couple of minutes learning how Moom works, but it’s completely worth it. I use Moom on my Macs and recommend it without reservation.
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