Updated June 10th, 2019.
Tap the spacebar in iTunes to pause the music (or video). Tap it again to resume. Actually, it’s even better than this, as the spacebar works this way for Quicktime movies and in iMovie and on YouTube as well
In case you wondered– it’s JUST the space bar. No Command, no Control, no Option, no Shift. Just the space bar.
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Christian Boyce
How do you turn it off? I can’t type into Youtube because the space bar only pauses and plays.
If your cursor is in a text field the space bar should just make a space, not toggle pause/play. Let me know if that is happening differently for you. Also, which browser are you using? I have a similar problem when using the space bar to scroll down a web page. If there is a video on the page, the space bar makes it start playing. Yuck.