Updating Parallels can lead to a broken Parallels installation and an error message "Unable to start Parallels services." Here's the fix.
The Mac Calculator: three calculators in one!
The Mac's Calculator app does more than basic math. It knows trigonometry, square roots, exponents, natural logs, scientific notation, etc.!
iCloud calendars not synching? Here’s a solution.
Here's how you can solve the "my Mac is not synching with iCloud" problem. If you see a spinner in Calendar that never stops, you need this.
How to find the settings you want in the Mac’s System Preferences
The Mac's System Preferences has zillions of settings. Here's how you find the one you want, using the built-in Search feature.
How to rearrange the order of menubar icons on a Mac
Here's how you rearrange the order of the icons in your Mac's menubar. Works for every modern version of the macOS.
How to install macOS Mojave or High Sierra or Sierra when Apple says your installer is damaged
Installing Sierra or High Sierra or Mojave on a Mac? Seeing a message that your installer is damaged? The message is wrong. Here's the fix.
Latest macOS version
The latest Mac OS is 10.15.4 (Catalina), released Tuesday, March 24th, 2020. A supplemental 10.15.4 update was released Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 addressing a FaceTime bug, an Office 365 sign-in bug, and a lot more. The supplemental update is highly recommended. (Remember that upgrading to Catalina from any other macOS is a big deal, and you should be sure that your apps are ready for it.) See this article for information about compatibility with 10.15.
Find out whether your Mac’s apps are 64-bit or not (for Catalina).
macOS Catalina (10.15) requires 64-bit apps. Here's a quick way to check your apps and get a list of those that are not 64-bit.
How to check that your Mac’s Time Machine backup is working
It's great that you set up a Time Machine backup. But is it working? Find out now. Here are two ways to check.
How to solve Mac error -9923 when scanning over a network
Here's how to fix the "error -9923" issue (an error occurred when communicating with the scaanner). It takes just a few moments, and it works.