Updated June 15th, 2019.
This blog is all about Macs and how to use them better. I keep the posts brief, for your convenience (and for mine). I aim to write one a day.
You might also like my longer how-to articles over at christianboyce.com. There’s Mac stuff, iPhone stuff, and iPad stuff. Also cool website stuff.
The One-Minute Macman blog is a bit of an online playground and experiment lab, as it’s my first WordPress site, and there’s nothing like learning by doing. If the site looks different tomorrow than it does today, that’s just me playing around.
You might also like my iPhone in a Minute blog, which is a lot like this site, but about iOS devices like iPhones and iPads.
I’d be glad to hear what you think. Use the LEAVE A COMMENT link for that. And tell a friend about it.
Thanks for stopping by–
Christian Boyce
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Want some some quick iPhone how-tos?
Visit me at iPhoneinaminute.com.
Looking for in-depth tutorials?
See my christianboyce.com website!

It’s great. I sure hope the return to you is worth all the energy you have put into this. It’s very classy and well done.
I do put quite a bit of energy into this. My hope is that it helps a lot of people, so that the ratio of (people helped)/energy spent is very high.
As long as people appreciate the effort and are getting something out of it, I’m happy. If they want to say thanks they can leave a comment here, share my stuff on Facebook and Twitter, or visit the companies I’m an affiliate for via the links on this page.
It DOES help and I love the one tip at a time. I have put “you” on my favorites bar so I can check One-Minute Macman each day! (how is that for pressure to do it daily… no worries I won’t remember to check it daily)
And I love the longer written blog as well!
What does “awaiting moderation ” above mean?
“Awaiting moderation” means your comment has not yet been approved (by me). On occasion I get “junk mail” comments where people say “Great info, please visit my website blahblahblah.com.” The comments come to me first, so I can have a look before they are made public.