Updated June 7th, 2019.
Recently I posted the 100th One-Minute Macman blog post. I’ll keep writing so please keep coming back.
In case you wondered, I don’t get paid to write these posts. I do get a lot of satisfaction out of helping people with their Macs, and that is payment enough. It would be even more satisfying if more people knew about the One-Minute Macman blog, so how about helping your friend the Macman by sharing the blog with your friends? Use the buttons at the bottom of this post to share on Facebook, Twitter, or to forward by email.
That’s how you do something nice for your friend the Macman: you share his stuff with others.
This blog is really an experiment, so let’s see what happens when everyone shares the blog with someone else. Tell a friend.
Meanwhile, here’s a little tip for you: when pasting text into a Mail document sometimes the stuff you’ve copied is way too big, or way too small, or it’s colored, or the font is weird, and you don’t notice it until you’ve pasted it and then it is hard to fix. Solve that problem by going to Edit and choosing Paste and Match Style instead of just “Paste.” One try and you’re hooked.
Wondering about the picture? That’s Wilt Chamberlain, after his 100th blog post! Actually no, it’s after scoring 100 points in an NBA game. You can read all about it in Wilt, 1962, available at Amazon.
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